Traveling to St. Maarten After COVID?

I don’t know about you guys but one of the hardest parts about getting through the lockdown last year was not being able to travel internationally. The summer gypsy wind was blowing on my face and through my hair, in that all too familiar call for adventure. My passport was crying out to me all year and I had to ignore her like a redheaded stepchild (I’m sorry my love).

That being said, as soon as “outside” was back open I owed her and myself big time! Self love is the best love and I always pay back my debts to self. I promised my passport that she would be lonely no longer and adventure was coming! I booked an incredible trip to St. Maarten and we were off!

That was until…I ran into all the things I didn’t know that I needed to know and had some very unnecessary delays. My friends, I invite you to live vicariously through me. Not through the booze and shenanigans but the stressful ones! Learn from the mistakes and misinformation that I didn’t have so that every ounce, dime, minute, and second of your post covid travel are as smooth as the St. Maarten waters.

I will do a full review on the hotel I stayed in a later post but for now I just want to help get you there and back without a headache!

Before you go:

This information is for travelers originating from the US, different countries have their own regulations.

Covid Test Required, yes:

You need to provide a negative rt-PCR test for the SARS-COV-2 virus obtained from a nasopharyngeal swab performed within 5 days of departure. Alternatively, travelers originating from the USA can do an antigen test for the SARS-COV-2 virus obtained from a nasopharyngeal swab performed within 48 hours prior to departure to St Maarten. 

My trip was in May 2021 and at the time the test had to be within 48 hours. Be sure to check before you leave if the timeframe has been updated. I took a rapid antigen test at my local CVS pharmacy for $0, the day before my flight and had my results within the hour.

On top of the negative test, everyone in your party will need to fill out a mandatory health authorization form (even children) prior to being able to check in for your flight at the airport. The website claims that it can take up to 12 hours for the approval, sent by email. My application was approved in about 20 minutes. However please be advised, my initial application I started on google chrome. I made it through the entire application but was cock blocked multiple times by a little internet demon, on the last question on the last page. When trying to submit your application you may receive an error message that says “all fields need to be completed to submit” however the “field” in question isn’t actually on the application. I couldn’t proceed past the vaccination question and submit my app. I attempted multiple times a day, for about 7 days in a row, emailed the “help” (ha, more like no damn help at all, you’re on your own) address on the website, and still no help and no answer.

I thought maybe this was an issue that they could assist me in resolving at the airport…I was wrong. If you’ve ever flown through the ATL airport you are well aware that customer service is as foreign to the employees there as hearing people speak German is to me! Needless to say the stress was real, I finessed my way all the way to my gate (you aren’t supposed to be allowed to check in or check your bags without this approval form) and was sitting watching my plane board in terror, with no hope in sight for this application approval. Picture this, I’ve only got 30 minutes left in boarding time, I am sitting like a sad puppy at the gate on my laptop frantically resubmitting my app over and over, and by this moment I am freaking tf out! So close to the tropical weather but so damn far at the same time, the hopelessness was upon me…But GOD! Some dear soul next to me saw me having the same issue that she had previously experienced. She instructed me to switch browsers from chrome to safari and we were off to the races! The application was submitted and I FINALLY got the email saying it was received. Something so simple and all was saved!

Included in the application includes (an also mandatory) health insurance link. The cost for the insurance is $30 and it covers your medical costs should you test positive and need to quarantine on the island once you get there. With 10 minutes to spare in the boarding process I received my health authorization approval from St Maarten and was able to show the flight attendant my phone to board!! I got on the flight, quickly ordered some Champagne, and was ready for the fun!

While There:

You will receive an email everyday during your trip from the St. Marteen government site. You have to submit a daily temperature check that is required to avoid penalties. The lobby of my hotel had a thermometer in-house, but if you are headed out for a trip I would encourage you to verify that your hotel has one or bring your own. The submission is super quick and easy.

Before Leaving:

A negative covid test is required for most of the islands to regain entry back into the US. There are a few pharmacies around the island that offer tests from prices ranging from $50-150. My hotel was in Grand Case on the French side of the island and the cost of the cab there and back plus the time lost was not worth it to me. There is an onsite testing facility at the Princess Juliana International airport that you can purchase for $110. Per usual, I was running late for my flight and got to the airport with just about an hour to board. Don’t judge me y’all I’m working on the procrastination thing and God isn’t done with me yet! I was fortunate to not have many people in front of me and completed the paperwork, paid the fee, and had my negative results all within 30 minutes. There was also a very friendly gentleman administering my test that I threatened with crashing on his couch if I missed my flight, he got it done lol. 

If you are traveling during a peak season, don’t be like Jordan. I do everything on the fly, by the seat of my pant’s and trust it’s going to work out haha. Just go early and save yourself the drama!

This was my first trip to St Maarten and let me tell you it did not disappoint! I will give you all the deets on hotels, nightlife, and restaurants at a later time so stay tuned. Don’t forget to subscribe so that you can be notified of the next post. I hope this helps clear some of the confusion and assists you in planning an epic vaca!

